The story of Mankuta Brothers Rubber Stamp Co., Inc. is really the story of family. Founded in 1946 by two brothers, Morris (Moe) and Joe Mankuta, Mankuta Brothers has been family owned and operated for over 71 years. Eventually, the two brothers handed the business over to their sons, Marc and Fred. Along the way, many other family members joined the company in various positions matching their unique specialties.
Mankuta Brothers has even left its impression on the moon! Parts of the lunar module were marked by Grumman using their rubber stamps back in the 1960's. What an achievement! Back on earth, the company's main focus has been at their company location in Long Island, NY.
Unfortunately, after 60 plus years of good fortune and harmony, tragedy struck in 2011 when Fred passed away suddenly at the young age of 65. After careful thought and consideration, it was decided they would transition the business out of manufacturing and into an outsourcing model. Later, they would close their retail location to focus on their wholesale business. But "grapes into wine," Marc has the lead the company to continued success. They have never been healthier and look forward to another 71 years.
Mankuta Brothers' first order was placed with Shachihata way back in 1979! We value our relationship and look forward to working together for many more years to come.